WHO report links national climate plans and health targets

“How many national climate plans include health targets? Many, as it turns out,” says Arthur Wyns (WHO climate change and health advisor - COP 28), who for the latest WHO report has reviewed all 193 national climate plans (NDCs) and 53 long-term climate strategies (LT-LEDS).*

:point_right: Read the full WHO report here

Interesting findings according to Arthur Wyns, quote*

  • Most NDCs (91%) include health considerations. A significant increase compared with the first round of NDCs (71%) across all action areas, including health co-benefits of mitigation, health adaptation and resilience, and climate finance.

  • Two in three of all NDCs consider the COVID-19 recovery in relation to their climate commitments, with a third committing to a green recovery.

  • Compared with the 1st round of NDCs, many more climate plans now recognize the large health benefits that come with mitigation in various sectors, including from reduced air pollution, healthier diets, and more active transport.

  • Some NDC now also include dedicated air pollution targets, and specific health sector mitigation targets.

  • The health impacts of climate change are well-recognised in national climate plans. Interestingly, 1 in 10 NDCs now also specifically links the
    concept of ‘Loss and Damage’ to health impacts (i.e. the need to cope with and respond to inevitable losses).

  • For the first time, the WHO review also looked at long-term climate plans (i.e. by 2050). The links with health come out even stronger in these long-term plans, with around three quarters of LT-LEDS linking net-zero and resilient goals to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of populations (often also closely tied to legislation and human rights provisions).

*read Arthur Wyns original Linkedin post