Invitation to tender for the project “Integrated Strategies for air and climate mitigation measures to reduce emissions of Ammonia, Nitrogen, and Methane from the Agricultural Sector in the Nordic Countries".
Opportunity category: Public procurements
Deadline: Wed, 17/04/2024 - 11:55 PM
Organizations: Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (NKL)*
Financial framework: Up to 950.000 DKK
*The Nordic working group for Climate and Air (NKL) and the Nordic Visions project Climate transition in the Nordics (KloN) have via Denmark’s Ministry of Environment published a procurement procedure of the project “NKL-2418 Integrated Strategies for air and climate mitigation measures to reduce emissions of Ammonia, Nitrogen, and Methane from the Agricultural Sector in the Nordic Countriesn”. The procurement procedure comprises an assessment to illustrate and evaluate existing approaches in the Nordic countries and develop new examples of integrated strategies aimed at reducing emissions of ammonia, nitrogen, and methane from the agricultural sector in the Nordic countries. By doing so, the project seeks to demonstrate and to share knowledge on how mitigating the negative impacts on both climate and air quality at the same time can serve to meet targets under several international agreements.
Project objectives
The overarching objective of this project is to illustrate and evaluate existing approaches in the Nordic countries and develop new examples of integrated strategies aimed at reducing emissions of ammonia, nitrogen, and methane from the agricultural sector in the Nordic countries. Strong incentives are needed to implement measures. An additional objective is to map both the existing and planned incentive mechanisms for both climate and air quality issues related to ammonia, nitrogen, and methane from the agricultural sector in the different Nordic countries and on an EU-level to improve knowledge sharing.