Paid trip for youths from Italy or Sweden who wants to practically contribute to CO2 offset!

On the 21st-30th of April Innovators Valley is inviting participants to Lithuania where you will learn more about landscape design, environment and carbon offset by both a theoretical and a practical approach.
This is a youth exchange in the erasmus+ project Be the Change.

:date: When? April 21-30 2024

:earth_africa: Who? Participants from Sweden and Italy can apply

:slightly_smiling_face: Age? 18-30 years old

:bar_chart: Calculate your own footprint and get to know daily practices to reduce the emissions

:national_park: Work with an architect and understand more about landscape design

:camping: Learn more about environment with a biologist

:deciduous_tree: Plant a lot of trees!

Apply here, limited number of places: Be the Change