Investigation: Dangerous air pollution at half of Sweden's preschools

Children often have a high level of activity and breathe large volumes in relation to their weight (compared to adults) outdoors. - Swedish Radio is highlighting this in a conversation with Frida Eik Öhman, Secretary general/ Förbundssekreterare Östra Sveriges Luftvårdsförbund, who says: “Many municipalities want to measure, and I pointed out that it is important to be clear about what the purpose of the measurements should be. - Perhaps the result will be that more people will understand the stricter requirements for lower permitted levels in the EU directive that are on the way. - We are currently measuring at Vaksalaskolan in Uppsala. Results will be available later this spring.”

:point_right: Listen to the English version

:point_right: Listen to the Swedish version

cc @eleonora_a @lars.gidhagen