EPIC Air Quality Fund will support local entities interested in publicly sharing outdoor air pollution (PM2.5) information and using the data to achieve national-level clean air impact.
The premise of the EPIC Air Quality Fund is to break the cycle in high pollution, low data countries of little basic funding for the issue resulting in sparse data to engage the public and inform decision makers, hence reinforcing low investment of resources in the issue.
The Fund’s first call for applications is now open worldwide
with preference given to countries experiencing high air pollution levels but with no or little available air pollution data. Awards will offer 50k+ USD to support 10-15 groups over an 18-month period.
Applications are due September 10, 2024, though outstanding applications that demonstrate large impact potential and alignment with the goals of the Fund may be evaluated before this date on a rolling basis. We will be holding a webinar on this call for applications on 31 July 2024 at 12pm CET | 3:30pm IST. The event will be recorded and sent to all registrants.