About the Activity Data category


This category includes posts about Activity data:
Air pollution is generated by specific activities, e.g. the cars and trucks passing a specific road, an industry generating emissions in a stack or just emitted in a “diffusive way” within the industrial area, by residents burning waste or biomass in their gardens, by residents using wood to heat their houses etc.

These emissions may be quantified with the use of emission factors, e.g.; the emissions of one single car with a specific technology running 1 km at a specific speed, or a certain amount of pollution during the generation of a specific energy/heat amount within a house.

The total emission can then be calculated after multiplication of an activity (number of cars passing a specific location each day, the generation of sufficient heat per year to obtain a good temperature in the house during all seasons).

Emission factors are available in literature, however the activity of polluting activities has to be mapped individually for each location within a city.

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